Insiders guide: South Africa by Shem Compion

Packed with illustrative photographs and easy-to-read and yet detailed and up-to-date information, Insider’s Guide: Top Wildlife Photography Spots in South Africa tells you where to go, how to get there, what you will find and how to get the same images I have taken over the years, in my travels across South Africa.

Insiders Guide - South Africa by Shem Compion

I’ve ensured that the text is aimed specifically at wildlife photographers because I want you to get straight out into the field and start getting good results. It details over 26 wildlife spots across South Africa, giving you information on the species that occur in each, and exactly where to go to find them.

The book is mostly based on personal experiences, and I have written it as such – with much of the text coming from my own observations. It is intended to be the one guide that will help you get the wildlife photographs you have always wanted.

Insiders guide: Top Wildlife Photography Spots in South Africa is perfect for wildlife photography enthusiasts and all travellers visiting South Africa’s wildlife areas.

As fellow wildlife photographer, Heinrich van den Berg, says in the foreword: “This is the book that will open many eyes to their dream destination.”

EAN/ISBN: 978-1-77009-835-0
Format: Paperback
Size: 235x155mm
Pages: 289
Price: US$35


A curious seal in shallow water makes for a great portrait image.

A curious seal in shallow water makes for a great portrait image.


As well as good birdlife, the Cape coastline offers some world-class seascape photography.

As well as good birdlife, the Cape coastline offers some world-class seascape photography.


South Africa offers exceptional outdoor and nature photography.

South Africa offers exceptional outdoor and nature photography.


Elephant love the acacia thickets in the west section – and are easily approached.

Elephant love the acacia thickets in the west section – and are easily approached.


The water on the road is perfect wallows for white rhino at Rietvlei. If you notice some rhino near a wallow, sit and wait – you could be rewarded.

The water on the road makes for the perfect wallow for white rhino at Rietvlei. If you notice some rhino near a wallow, sit and wait – you could be rewarded.