Video: a Christmas blast from the past

Posted on 25 December 2011

I was doing a little research (read: watching videos on YouTube) for a Christmas blog and came across this old, like really old, Disney version of Santa’s workshop. It’s from 1932: before WW2, before plastic toy garbage, fake trees and shopping fees … and before (you’ll notice) political correctness.

Now, I wasn’t around back then, and if you know how to use the internet then neither were you. So, I’m not going to launch into a cartoons-are-not-what-they-used-to-be lark, because that’s not true anyway, we now have 3D and cartoons look awesome. But, for the sake of nostalgia and a bit of a laugh, this one comes up trumps.

Oh, and the rhymes are pretty awesome too:

Billy Brown: ‘Dear Santa Claus, I’m Billy Brown, here’s a list I’ve jotted down: I want a giraffe and a duck and a whale, a cow and a pig with a seven-foot tail, a tiger that roars and a leopard with spots, a barrel of monkeys and a pony who trots. I want a baboon, a dog that will bark, a walrus, a herring, a horse and a shark.’

Santa: ‘Ha, I’ll give him Noahs ark!’

Elf: ‘But, Billy Brown for seven years, hasn’t washed behind his ears.’

Santa: “Ha, well there’s still some hope! I’ll just add a cake of soap.’

Santa. Legend.


Merry Christmas.



Image courtesy of Emily Barrera.

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