3 Peak Challenge explained

Posted on 24 May 2024 By Louise Bell

While many call Cape Town’s winding and intricate beauty home, a few unique activities will ensure you’ll feel like a true local in this urban area. One of these experiences is the Three Peak Challenge, which allows the individual to appreciate the nature of this wonderful urban space in a new way.

Facebook/Ilana Gordon

Still trying to figure out what the Three Peak Challenge entails? We’ll guide you through the trek and trails this sweat-inducing experience has to offer.

Basic information

This challenging activity has solid historical roots dating back to 1897, which makes it quite a momentous task to take on. With a distance of 50 km and a cut-off of 14 hours to complete this peak-filled adventure, this event is definitely not made for the faint-hearted.

The 2024 date for this challenge is set for 2 November, and there are various options (such as a 33 km option) to take part in. This challenge is also usually completed in teams, which makes it the ultimate activity to test your iron will with your friends or family.

Come rain or shine, this will often take place in all types of weather, so be sure to check the conditions beforehand to efficiently prepare for the long, steep road ahead.

Route & event breakdown

This lesser-known race in Cape Town has a specific route you must follow. As there are no marshals to show you exactly where to go, you’ll either have to have someone on your team familiar with the route or memorise the map yourself. The three peaks you need to conquer are:

  • Devil’s Peak
  • Maclear’s Beacon on Table Mountain
  • Lion’s Head

The Three Peak Challenge website describes directions and navigation tips, so be sure to peruse this information in detail before the event. As a limited number of entries are allowed (usually capped at 180 participants), be sure to secure your spot in advance to avoid disappointment.

While this might be a scheduled affair, you can always challenge yourself to complete this route beyond the set date if you can’t get in. What better way to start a Sunday morning than with a quick 50 km challenge? Be sure to drag your friends along on this epic journey for a group activity to ensure you feel safe and motivated throughout this challenging route.

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