In a time where many vulnerable communities face hunger due to job loss, generous South Africans rise to the challenge by planting vegetable gardens that are free to use for those in need.

A public garden is an easy way to help those in need.
NGO Ikhala Trust recently shared a picture of a public garden on a Johannesburg resident’s sidewalk.
‘This is a public garden for community to harvest. Lets use the space we have to feed each other,’ Ikhala posted.
A pavement garden in Melville, Koppies. This is a public garden for community to harvest. Lets use the space we have to feed each other. #usewhatyouhave #startwhereyouare #eachonefeedone #ABCD
Posted by Ikhala Trust on Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Residents can set up any edible plants in their sidewalk garden, tend to them and watch them flourish. The reward will be when the fruits and vegetables are harvested by others, knowing you have fed someone.
The concept works on the basis of anonymity, meaning the planter and the harvester don’t have to meet as a means to protect the dignity of those needing the food.
Many others are joining in with what seems to have become a trend, according to Good Things Guy. There is even a Facebook group for those wanting to start something similar or give advice to others.
To start your own public garden, simply prepare a space on your property that is accessible to the public and make a clear sign saying the produce is free for the taking. Make sure to plant seasonal fruits and vegetables, as well as water wise plants for those living in areas with water restrictions.
Image credit: Unsplash