A German visitor to the Kruger National Park was fined R1,500 for having her arm protruding from the window of her car while taking a picture.
The complaint, posted by her friend, in the closed SANParks Kruger Park Facebook group, acknowledges that the rules don’t allow people to be outside of their vehicles but felt this fine was harsh for such a small infraction.
This post sparked a debate about exactly what SanParks requires regarding windows after a SANParks Virtual Honorary Ranger responded, implying windows should remain closed.
‘There have been incidents of baboons attacking people in their cars through open windows. We have seen the one of the impala jumping through a car window while being chased by a cat (predator). The rules are put in place for a very good reason, not because SANParks thinks – well, let us make their visit as miserable as possible. If someone is hurt – goodness, imagine what will be said about SANParks then,’said Dalene Preston in the group.
In response, other group members brought up the fact that tour group vehicles often don’t have windows and are open.

The original post about the fine in the closed SANParks-Kruger National Park group.
The SANPark rules state that ‘no part of your body may protrude from a window or sunroof and doors should remain closed at all times.’ This doesn’t mean that windows can’t be open but rather that all body parts must remain in the car at all times.
SANParks Marketing and Communications General Manager for Kruger Park Isaac Phaahla said that car windows are allowed to be open and since ‘an arm doesn’t distort the shape of your car’ it is unlikely that this would have been enough to warrant a fine. He said he could not respond to a complaint laid on social media.
Image source: Pixabay