Meet Ouka, the flying fluff ball

Posted on 14 February 2022 By Anita Froneman

Ouka, a three-year-old Samoyed dog was rescued by a French filmmaker called Shams after years of neglect. Shams wanted to take Ouka with him on all his adventures, one of which happens to be paragliding.

Shams decided to give it a go when it turned out Ouka had no problem with heights. ‘When we went hiking, Ouka was standing super on the edge of a cliff,’ Shams told the BBC. He wanted to see if Ouka would be okay with wearing a special harness and being picked up in it, and Ouka seemed to love it.

After about six weeks of training in a controlled environment, Shams and Ouka took to the sky and they’ve never looked back. Take a look at their story in the BBC’s video below:

While the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) commented they would never recommend that anyone takes a dog paragliding, Shams said he always knows when Ouka does not like something and he is convinced that Ouka is comfortable with flying.

In the video, the pair display a loving bond and footage of Ouka straight after a paragliding session shows him in a relaxed mood, without displaying any visible signs of stress.

You can follow Ouka on Instagram here and share in Shams’ adventures here.

Picture: Screenshot of video


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