The Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital has taken in an injured African harrier hawk referred to them by the Middelburg Animal Hospital on 26 May.

‘Radiographs revealed a fractured ulna. Thankfully this fracture did not need surgical intervention, and she will heal with the wing correctly strapped, pain medication and cage rest,’ the Hospital said on Facebook.

‘Once the fracture has healed, she will be placed in a flight enclosure to gain strength once more. She will be released back into the same area where she was found.’

The team jokingly called the female hawk a ‘dama queen’ after she exhibited some strange behaviour during treatment.
‘This drama queen exhibits characteristic behaviour for her species – almost appearing catatonic when we have to work with her – giving many of our volunteers a mini heart attack. This is however normal behaviour for African harrier hawks and not something to worry about,’ the Hospital added.

Pictures: Sarah Kempen/Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital
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