Astronomical events in July

Posted on 25 June 2020

The solar system has given us many incredible astronomical displays as of late. The month of July will continue the trend with some exciting nighttime events. Visibility of the events is dependent on the weather.

For the entire month of July, there will be perfect visibility of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

July 3:

A comet discovered on March 27 called C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) is passing through the solar system and at the beginning of the month, stargazers will have the chance to spot it, according to Space Tourism Guide.

July 5:

A penumbral eclipse will take place on July 5. The event is not a typical lunar eclipse as the Earth’s main shadow (umbra) won’t cover the moon. The event can be hard to see as the shadowed section will only be slightly fainter than the rest of the moon, according to Time and Date.

July 8:

Venus will be at its brightest on July 8. The planet will have ‘great visibility’ from South Africa according to Time and Date.

July 11:

Mars and the moon are due to make a close approach visible from earth at around 11:20 pm according to Space Tourism Guide.

July 28:

The peak of the Delta Aquariid meteor shower will be visible with the best viewing times being after midnight and before dawn, according to Earth SkyThe meteors are expected to peak at around 3 am, according to Space Tourism Guide, with a maximum of 5 meteors per hour.


Image credit: Unsplash

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