A Turkish design company recently unveiled its vision for a hotel suspended off the cliff drop of Norway’s most iconic natural landmark, the 604-metre Preikestolen cliff.

Head of Hayri Atak Architectural Design Studio, an Istanbul-based design company, Atak conceptualised a viewing deck at the very top of the 600-metre cliff edge overlooking the Lysefjord fjord below.
According to Insider,Preikestolen, also known as Pulpit Rock, has become one of the Turkish designer’s favourite places.

The next best views you’ll get in the ‘Cliff Concept Boutique Hotel’, designed to be built on the Preikestolen rock face, are the three smaller balconies jutting out of the rock face, one below the other. The lowest level is the most impressive feat by far.
The lower ‘balcony’ is an entertainment deck area which extends far over and above the fjord. What’s more is the narrow and long glass pool extending out of the deck, offering unobstructed panoramic underwater or pool-edge views of the Lysefjorden. The design and engineering involved with the pool would need to include suspension by cables which would run diagonally up to the Preikestolen cliff edge to support the swimming pool.

Despite how sleek, yet simple, the design, it is unlikely that the Norwegians will allow such developments to take place at their beloved hiking spot in an area of such exquisite natural beauty.
Still, it’s nice to dream, and if the weather’s not too chilly, can you imagine the views from that pool?
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Images by Hayri Atak Architectural Design Studio