Tips for camping more sustainably

Posted on 10 June 2024 By Louise Bell

With the comfort of a roaring fire or the magic of drifting off to sleep under a shimmering blanket of stars, camping is a unique way to immerse yourself in nature. While it’s often associated with a rugged, traditional experience, there are ways to bring a touch of modernity to your adventure.

Unsplash/Kevin Ianeselling

This is especially important when setting up your tent for a few days and incorporating sustainable principles to depart without leaving a trace of your visit. It’s important to remember that people are mere visitors in natural environments, so living extra eco-friendly when camping is a great way to write a symbolic thank-you note to nature for your visit.

Use biodegradable articles

One thing one focuses on when packing for an overnight adventure is the art of convenience. From stocking up on your food supply to packing travel-sized toiletries, you’ll find several items that will add a sense of instant comfort to your camping experience.

However, these convenient products can often be packaged in single-use plastics, which is considered very harmful to the environment. So, when packing your suitcase, be sure to add biodegradable-packaged items or consider a reusable option.

Be cautious of disturbing wildlife

As a guest in another creature’s habitat, it’s crucial to ensure you don’t disturb the habitats of animal inhabitants of the surrounding area. The ideal location for setting up camp is in a large, flat and open space. 

This way, you’ll be very apparent to any nearby creatures (which makes you easier to avoid). Be sure to keep your food in a secure space that is not your sleeping quarters to avoid any curious creatures sneaking into your tent for a midnight snack.

Pack smart

Packing efficiently and effectively can not only make your luggage easier to carry without unnecessary weight but also prevent overpacking. Food waste is a big no-no when it comes to camping sustainably, so be sure to plan out or pre-pack your meals to avoid this. Here are a few other eco-friendly items to pack:

  • Reusable utensils.
  • Solar-powered light source.
  • Eco-friendly bags to place recyclable waste.

Rent (or borrow) your camping gear

If you’re going camping for a special occasion and do not consider yourself a regular camping king or queen, consider renting your tent rather than purchasing one. This way, you’ll minimise your consumption by not participating in unnecessary spending.

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