Buck narrowly escapes jaws of crocodile in Chobe River

Posted on 2 February 2023 By David Henning

A lechwe attempted to cross the crocodile-infested Chobe river, only to be stalked by a crocodile.

This incredible sighting was filmed by Caitlyn Earwaker while on a boat cruise along the river in Botwana, who shared her sighting with Latest Sightings. 

‘As we cruised along the Chobe River in Botswana, we were treated to the sight of numerous animals coming to the river’s edge to drink,’ Caitlyn said. ‘Our guide suddenly pointed out a lechwe (a large antelope with a distinctive red coat) swimming across the river. It was a peaceful scene until a crocodile emerged from the water and made a beeline for the lechwe.’

Watch this edde of your seat moment below.

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