New SnoMaster double door fridge

Posted on 29 May 2013

SnoMaster has recently launched a new 52Lt double door and 70Lt double door 12V fridge/freezers.

This is great news because you can have differing temperatures for your food and drinks in the same fridge. SnoMaster fridges let you  set one compartment to freeze while the other section can be used at a lower fridge temperature.

SnoMaster double door fridge

SnoMaster double door fridge

You can also set and monitor the temperature while travelling with a Digital Remote Temperature Controller.

New SnoMaster fridge with remote

New SnoMaster fridge with remote

The fridges are available in a 52Lt double door and 70Lt double door fridge freezer and both come with a standard protective bag.


52Lt Stainless Steel

Double door fridge freezer

Can set either compartment as fridge or freezer 24Lt – 28Lt split

Danfoss 55 watt compressor



70Lt Stainless steel

Double door fridge freezer

Can set either compartment as fridge or freezer 22Lt – 48Lt split

Wireless temperature controller that can be set while travelling

Danfoss 55 watt compressor


Costs R8,900.00


To get your own double door fridge visit or call  (011) 392 5315

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