9 amazing bronze sculptures from around the world

Posted on 6 May 2019

‘A sculptor is a person who is interested in the shape of things, a poet in words, a musician by sounds,’ said artist and sculptor Henry Moore. Here are nine sculptures where bronze has been brought to life in the most incredible ways, from galloping mustangs and haunting figures to a woman and her violin.

1. Submerged hippos

These hippos that appear to be partially submerged in the ground can be found at the Taipei Zoo in Taiwan.

2. Giant ‘Maman’ spider

This giant bronze sculpture of spider, which is 30m high, 33m wide and weighs 6,000kg, sits in front of the National Gallery of Canada and is the work of American sculptor Louise Bourgeois. She named the big spider ‘Maman’.

3. Black ghost

According to legend, the guardian of Klaipėda Castle in Lithuania, Hans von Heide, saw a ghost there in 1595. The hooded figure went through the water and told Hans to start saving firewood and grain, as the city’s supply may soon run out. A 2.4-metre-high statue was sculpted by Svajunas Jurkus and Sergejus Plotnikovas near Memel Castle in the port city of Klaipėda and is a continual reminder of the spooky myth.

4. Les voyageurs

This series of sculptures, Les Voyageurs by French artist Bruno Catalano, were scattered throughout the French city of Marseilles in 2013 as part of a celebration of the city’s status as the European Capital of Culture that year. Each figure has large sections of his body missing. According to the artist, ‘What they want to emphasize is not what they have, but what they lack.’

5. Mustangs at Las Colinas

The bronze statues called Mustangs at Las Colinas were sculpted by Robert Glen and installed in Williams Square in Las Colinas, Texas in 1984 to commemorate the wild mustangs that used to roam the area. The sculpture is situated next to the Mustangs of Las Colinas Museum.

6. Hunting cheetah

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Renowned South African sculptor Dylan Lewis has created a number of wildlife sculptures that embody the energy of the animals such as this one entitled Hunting Cheetah. His works can be found in Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens as well as in the Dylan Lewis Studio and Sculpture Garden in Stellenbosch.

7. Colossus

This statue, known as Colosso dell’Appennino or the Appennine Colossus, can be found in the Pratolino Medici Park just north of Florence, Italy. It was created by Italian sculptor Giambologna and erected in 1580.

8. Violinist in Shamain Island

This statue, Music Unhurried, in the European enclave of Shaiman Island in the heart of Guangzhou China, is of a governess playing the violin and four small children following her, with a fifth trying to catch up.

9. Boys jumping into Singapore River

This sculpture, entitled Future Generation, by Chong Fah Cheong shows young boys displaying youthful exuberance as they jump into the Singapore River, Singapore near the Fullerton Hotel.

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