1time Airlines plans to keep all your junk in their trunk

Posted on 28 May 2012

You may or may not have heard that 1time Airlines plans to remove toilets from their aeroplanes. But don’t worry, it’s not all of them, just the one’s at the front.

In an interview with Tourism Update, 1time ceo, Blacky Komani, stated, ‘There are three toilets on board each of our aircraft, each weighing 600 kilograms. We are planning to remove the toilet at the front of each aircraft and retain the two at the back. The toilets are heavy and weigh significantly on our fuel usage, thus for us this is a logical move. I would like to clarify that the move will not in any way impact the customer experience offered by 1time.’ I believe that Mr. Komani is, in fact, making the whole experience better for all of us. Besides just saving on fuel and weight, instead of walking back down the aisle facing onlookers after using the loo, passengers can now safely slink back to their seat after making an ‘air drop’ and nobody will be any wiser. The only problem that they have now is what to do with all that new space in the front. Here’s one idea:

Instead of having passengers sneakily try get their mile-high kicks over a basin with one foot in the bog, perhaps they could turn that space into a luxury, closed-off, couples’ seat with satin wall padding (because it’s not quite big enough to lie down in), cushions and a bit of Barry White. The only thing that would weigh quite a lot in that equation is Barry White, but of course, he’s not around anymore so they can just put on a CD. It would also mean that 1time could revamp their slogan, perhaps to something like: Business at the Back, Party in Front.

That is, of course, just one idea. What do you think they should use the extra space for?



Read the full interview with Blacky Komani here or check out the passenger’s guide to aircraft etiquette for a few more wild ideas on air travel.


Image courtesy of Willy Volk

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