Poacher arrested smuggling succulents from Springbok to Cape Town

Posted on 12 December 2022 By David Henning

A man was arrested while travelling by bus from Springbok in the Northern Cape to Cape Town on Thursday, 8 December after being found in possession of succulents.

Poacher arrested with R1.6 million worth of succulents

The Springbok Stock Theft and Endangered Species Unit with seized succulents. Picture: SAPS

‘Springbok Highway Patrol received information about an alleged succulent poacher,’ Northern Cape provincial police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Sergio Kock said.

Police in Garies responded soon after receiving the information, intercepting the bus and conducting a search in which the man was found with the poached Conophytum plants.

Poacher arrested with R1.6 million worth of succulents

Conophytums are highly prized succulents, leading to them being selectively targeted by plant poachers. Picture: David Henning

South Africa is home to around a third of the world’s succulents, with Conophytums highly prized by collectors because it is so rare – decimating populations in the wild.

‘The adult male suspect was arrested and will be appearing in the Springbok Magistrate’s Court soon on charges of alleged dealing in endangered plants,’ Kock continued.

ALSO READ: The dark side behind the growing popularity of succulents




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