Watch the famous Smoky Mountains fireflies light up

Posted on 2 June 2020 By Anita Froneman

Fireflies, or lightning bugs, are one of nature’s most incredible little creatures. These insects are bioluminescent and their bodies light up at night to attract mates and scare predators.

They’re not just your common beetle, mind. Over 2,000 species have been recorded, and one of them, the Luciola capensis can be found here in South Africa, mostly visible in spring and summer.

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the United States is known for its spectacular light shows when masses of fireflies enter into mating season.

This year, non-profit organisation Discover Life in America (DLiA) created a whole virtual expedition so everyone who can’t travel there right now can witness the phenomenon. The video features a short presentation about fireflies by DLiA Director of Science and Research, Dr Will Kuhn, and beautiful footage by firefly photographer Radim Schreiber.

Follow the magical tour through the woods to seek out the synchronous fireflies (Photinus carolinus), as well as blue ghosts (Phausis reticulata) and various other species shining bright.

Firefly light is usually intermittent, and flashes in patterns that are unique to each species, according to National Geographic. 

Take a look at the spectacular light show:


Image credit: Instagram/kunihito_ohtsubo


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