The Cape Tattoo Expo is Africa’s biggest lifestyle event of its kind that sees thousands of people passing through its doors to get inked by an international or local tattoo artist. However, there’s a lot more to this event than tattoos …
The Cape Tattoo Expo, held at Cape Town’s City Hall, is Africa’s biggest lifestyle event of its kind that sees thousands of people passing through its doors over three days to get inked by an international or local tattoo artist. However, there’s more to this event than tattoos and in between the sound of buzzing tattoo guns and plenty of decorated skin, I found local art lining the walls in the exhibition hall, stalls crammed with bags, cushions and jewellery, a bar with live music and belly dancers and food vendors offering hot dogs, hamburgers and burritos. I was also offered the chance to bond with an albino python and if I was a man I could’ve had a hair cut or shave at the barber shop.
If you didn’t go this year, it’s well worth putting into your diary for next year. You may even end up getting a tattoo – but remember what they say, “once you have one, you are going to want more.”
Here’s what to expect…

No matter what design you want, a tattoo artist will be able to replicate it on your body.

Tattoos can be designed from images sent via sms.

International artists come to Cape Town for the event.

Local tattoo artists work alongside international tattoo artists.

Black-only tattoos are a thing of the past.

Every tattoo artist wears gloves.

There were a few female tattoo artists too.

There were plenty of girls getting tattoos too.

The general public can watch while you get your tattoo.

Some people are completely covered in ink.

Tribal type tattoos are a popular option

Once the swelling goes down only a lion will remain.

Backs are a popular canvas.

Tattoos on legs are becoming more popular.

You could get coffee too.

Bands and belly dancers kept people entertained.
For more information and updates for next year, go to