8 Unusual maps that will teach you more about the world

Posted on 22 November 2013

These great maps highlight interesting features across the globe and will teach you more about the world with insight for travelling to certain countries.

Once again, thank you world wide web.

1. Worldwide annual coffee consumption per capita

The places marked with the darkest shade of orange drink the most coffee per year – coffee lovers, start your engines!


2. The longest straight line you can sail on earth

Around the world takes on a whole new meaning.



3. Countries that do not officially use the metric system

Better brush up on your conversions before visiting the US or countries in <wp:term_taxonomy>gear-categorieseast Asia.



4. Most consumed alcoholic beverages by country

Now you know where to go find like-minded drinkers.

World Health Organisation 


5. Frequency of lightning strikes around the world

If you’re scared of lightning, avoid central Africa.




6. World level of happiness by country

I’m not sure how much I believe in the accuracy of this map, <wp:term_taxonomy>gear-categories Africa is pretty cheerful.



7. Worldwide driving orientation by country

Turns out us lefty drivers are in the minority.

Benjamin D. Esham


8. Population of Asia compared to the world





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