Herd of over 100 buffalo stampede two lions, kill one in KNP

Posted on 15 December 2020

Visitors to the Kruger National Park came across a once-in-a-lifetime sighting when a herd of over 100 buffalo attacked two lions and killed one.

The sighting took place at Mestel Dam near Pretoriuskop Camp and was originally shared to the SANParks- Kruger National Park by Jo Smith.

Latest Sightings also shared photos of the sighting by Kyle Mills.

At first, a leopard was seen under a shady tree near the dam, said Mills to Latest Sightings. The buffalo then made their way down to the water, spooking the leopard up the tree.

Two lionesses were hiding in the reeds nearby when the buffalo decided to give chase.

The herd of buffalo began stampeding and surrounded the lionesses. The buffalos then began flinging one of the lionesses into the air continuously. She died from her injuries but the buffalo continued to fling her around.

‘Watching the surviving lioness approach the body was quite a sad moment, as there’s this realisation that there was some sort of bond between these two animals, enough to make the surviving lioness lay down, almost as if waiting for the other lioness to get up,’ said Mills to Latest Sightings.

Watch the rare ordeal below. 


Picture: Screenshot from video

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