Golden retriever rescues baby koala

Posted on 9 January 2020 By Anita Froneman

In the town of Strathdownie, Australia, a heroic golden retriever ‘retrieved’ something very special. Kerry McKinnon stepped outside one morning to find Asha carrying a baby koala on her back, clutching her fur.

‘I just burst out laughing… She looked a bit guilty when I came out to see what was going on. Her expression was hilarious,’ reported Caters News. ‘She kept looking back at the koala but she wasn’t trying to get him off her or anything. She was happy to let him snuggle into her.’

The koala was taken to a veterinarian, was declared healthy and has been taken in by a local carer who will foster it until it can be returned to the wild.

‘Asha definitely saved the koala’s life by keeping him warm. He would have died out there if left alone all night. The poor thing could have been taken by a fox or something too,’ McKinnon added.

The baby could possibly have fallen out of its mother’s pouch unbeknownst to her, and is lucky to have gotten picked up by Asha.

Images: Twitter/Victor Bigham Family fun

Also read: Animals sheltered in zoo director’s home to escape fire


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